Love Marriage Problems Solution Dua, History stands as witness to the fact that as and when there has been ‘love’, problems have crept in. Love between Romeo and Juliet made them legendary. There are instances of Love between, Heer-Ranjha, Laila Majnu and Shirin-Farhad. The contemporary orthodox society has stood in their way of their marital union. But, although the world has advanced so much, the orthodox attitude of the society still persists. Your parents are probably not aware of what the great philosopher, Kahlil Gibran has advised to the parents. Children are not the children of their parents because no person can belong to another. Each person is unique and lives by his or her own ‘life’s longing’. He advises the parents to love their children but not to bind them by their own thoughts. Love is divine, selfless and free like a bird. Life does not go backward, nor does it tarry with yesterday. Love Problem Solution Love Marriage Problems Solution Dua Love Marriage Problems Solut...
Holy matrimony is a sacred relationship. Man and woman, when married are together for life. It is the responsibility of the man to take care of the woman and provide food and security to her. Likewise, it is equally the responsibility of the woman, to create a home that is worthy of peace and tranquillity for the man to come back and relax and spend family time. In today’s busy life, because of work, the distance between a man and woman keep growing constantly. They are required to stay separate and spend hours not being able to talk to each other. This over a period of time, creates a rift in their relationship. Love Problem Solution This rift can bubble up into an argument or sometimes lead to divorce. This is a very sad situation to be in or be placed in. Life should be more comfortable and pleasant. If you are worried about your husband losing his interest and love towards you, and if you are worried that everything that you tried has not yielded any success till now, d...